range of possibilities

美 [reɪndʒ əv ˌpɑsəˈbɪlətiz]英 [reɪndʒ ɒv ˌpɒsəˈbɪlɪtiz]
  • 一系列可能性
range of possibilitiesrange of possibilities
  1. They think about love not in black and white , but in gray . The French are groomed to think about love not in the absolutes of total love or rejection , but in nuances and a range of possibilities .


  2. We need to explore a wide range of possibilities .


  3. Opportunities in international business span a wide range of possibilities .


  4. Do they consider a broad range of possibilities ?


  5. Micromachining technology offers a wide range of possibilities for the combination of micro optics and MEMS .


  6. Reliance upon these highly restricted systems so limits perception that the full range of possibilities may pass unnoticed .


  7. Truth , which is not a concept against falsity , has a wide range of possibilities and expressions .


  8. This concerns the property of variability , which is defined as the range of possibilities from which choices can be made .


  9. When you can build your own closures in a simple and convenient way , you find techniques that open up a whole new range of possibilities .


  10. The company of poets may enable the men who tend the machines to see a wider range of possibilities than technology alone may inspire .


  11. Occasionally the brand needs a complete overhaul , and then I have to explore a range of possibilities based on the clients visual concerns and marketing objectives .


  12. So it doesn 't take very long to catch up , in fact it 's not even catching up , it 's just seeing a new range of possibilities .


  13. The UK , with its great research universities , is the only country outside the US with the breadth and depth of experience necessary to work across the range of possibilities .


  14. Mind-reading of this sort will allow the disabled to lead more normal lives , and the able-bodied to extend their range of possibilities still further .


  15. The designer has to propose a range of possibilities so to stimulate , waken the clients'self hiding behind the sub-consciousness and guide them into the front stage .


  16. The three aspects of basis provide a wide range of possibilities for its realization . But it can not be separated from the corresponding external conditions when it is to a reality , to achieve certain social effects .


  17. The movie opened up a wide range of possibilities for Kidman , and since then she has worked with movie greats Jane Campion and Stanley Kubrick .


  18. Pioneers try hard to explore the uncertainty , ambiguity and occasionally , the potentiality to stimulate the internal language , which , as a result , display a wide range of possibilities of language expression .


  19. This suggests that the true benefits of municipal high-speed networks are not the consumer-friendly baubles such as high-speed video downloads , HDTV and the like , but the vast range of possibilities they open .


  20. In this paper , determined the range of possibilities to explore photography in an instant form of expression , arouse our thinking on the photographic form of expression to take in order to give rise to new understanding of the photographic direction of development .


  21. The course offers a range of exciting possibilities for developing your skills .


  22. But those who truly understand the economic impact and can work to change the patterns can create a wide range of career possibilities .


  23. They cover the range of observational possibilities : artifacts , processes , people , and organizations .


  24. In the interplay of the impossible and the possible , I expand the range of my possibilities .


  25. Tests the " official " position of the project manager against a statistically forecasted range of final possibilities based on actual project performance .


  26. During their stay in Utrecht the PhD candidates will become familiar with the university and the wide range of research possibilities it offers to ( international ) PhD candidates .


  27. There is , however , a range of events where alternative possibilities are available - namely , the events of human choice .
